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Medicare & Medicaid

Committed New York Attorneys Assist Clients with Medicare and Medicaid Applications

Experienced lawyers help people in the New York area access health benefits

Medicare and Medicaid are government programs that provide health coverage to specific populations: people 65 and over as well as people under 65 with disabilities, independent of their income, are eligible for Medicare, while only low-income individuals regardless of age are eligible for Medicaid. Applying for either program, however, can be time-consuming and difficult for those seeking coverage. The attorneys at Miriam Davidson, Esq. understand the eligibility requirements of both Medicare and Medicaid and help clients in the New York area and throughout New York access the healthcare benefits they need.

Skilled New York advocates seek benefits for the services you need

At Miriam Davidson, Esq., we cut through the often frustrating red tape of applying for these government programs to help clients receive coverage for a range of healthcare services, including:

  • Doctors’ visits and hospitalization
  • Diagnostic testing
  • Prescription drugs
  • Nursing home and in-home care
  • Physical therapy
  • Rehabilitation
  • Hospice care

Our Medicare and Medicaid attorneys understand the complex regulations of each program and work with clients and their families to pursue optimal results.

Dedicated counselors assist with Medicare coverage

You qualify for Medicare if you are 65 years of age or older or suffer from certain types of disabilities. We can help you understand your rights and appeal unjust denials of reasonable care. We apply our extensive experience with the Medicare system and appeals process to diligently pursue all legal remedies if you are denied appropriate medical care under this federally administered health insurance program that is funded in part by employee payroll taxes.

Knowledgeable advisers help eligible clients file for Medicaid

Paying for expensive medical care on a fixed income can financially drain families. If you qualify, Medicaid can defray the costs of obtaining quality healthcare. It can also make otherwise inaccessible healthcare available to you. You may qualify for Medicaid even if you have savings as long as your income remains below a certain level, and since Medicaid is administered by the states, there may be different eligibility requirements depending on where you live. Our attorneys can help you:

  • Develop a legal asset protection plan that does not jeopardize your financial independence
  • Keep your home and many of your possessions
  • Transfer property legally to family members without triggering an extensive waiting period
  • Protect your spouse’s financial security
  • Prevent nursing homes from illegally demanding private pay instead of Medicaid rates

Our goal is to make sure you or your loved one gets the care and benefits you are entitled to under the law.

Contact New York Medicare and Medicaid lawyers for help accessing benefits

Miriam Davidson, Esq. helps seniors, low-income individuals and disabled patients throughout New York access government health benefits so they can afford reasonable healthcare. Call us at 212-308-4810 or contact us online to schedule a consultation at our New York office.

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Our Office
  • New York Office
    3 West 35th Street
    6th Floor
    New York, New York 10001
    Phone: 212-308-4810
    Fax: 212-308-1441